Omaha & Omaha Hi-Lo


A flat disk called the “Button” shall be used to indicate an imaginary dealer.

At the commencement of play, the dealer will deal each player one card face up to determine the placement of the button. Whoever receives the highest ranking card will start with the button.

The button will move around the table in a clockwise manner after each round of play.

The player to the immediate left of the button is required to place a Small Blind bet.  The player to the immediate left of the Small Blind bet is required to place a Big Blind bet.

Starting with the player to the immediate left of the button and continuing in a clockwise rotation around the Poker table, the dealer shall deal four rounds of cards face down to each player, with the player with the button being the last player to receive a card each time.

Each player in turn, in a clockwise rotation starting with the player to the left of the Big Blind bet, has the option to Call, Raise or Fold.  If no player has raised the bet, then the option to raise is given to both Blind bet/s.  After the last player has responded to the most recent bet, the betting round shall be considered complete.

The dealer will Tap the table in front of the rack, burn the top card of the deck and place it under the chips in the pot, and proceed to deal three community cards or (the flop) face-up in the center of the table.

The next betting round shall commence with the option to bet or check belonging to the first player to the left of the button who has not folded.  Each player may, in clockwise rotation, fold, call, raise the bet or, if preceding players have not made a bet, make an opening bet or check.  The betting round shall be considered complete when each player has either folded or called in response to the most recent bet.

Upon completion of the betting round the dealer will again burn the top card of the deck and then deal a fourth community card (the Turn) face-up to the right of the Flop.

The next betting round will begin with the option to bet or check belonging to the first player to the left of the button who has not folded.

Upon completion of the betting round the dealer will again burn the top card of the deck and then deal a fifth community card (the River) face-up to the right of the Turn.

The final betting round will begin with the option to bet or check belonging to the first player to the left of the button who has not folded.

If more than one player remains in the round of play after the final betting round has been completed, a showdown shall be used to determine the winner of the pot.

Each player remaining in the game shall form a five-card poker hand by using two of the four cards dealt to the player and three of the five community cards.

For Omaha Hi-Lo, the pot will be split with half going to the highest hand and half to the lowest hand. There must be at least three cards on the board that rank 8 or lower and are not the same rank for there to be a qualified low hand. Additionally, a player must have at least two cards that rank 8 or lower that are not the same suit and that don’t duplicate the cards on the board. The player may use the same two hole cards to qualify for both the high and low. Straights and flushes do not disqualify as a low. The lowest ranking hand is a “Wheel”: ace, two, three, four and five.