Ultimate Texas Hold ’em


Ultimate Texas Hold’em (UTH)

Is played on a table just like the one in the picture below. There is a maximum of 8 player’s including the Player Banker, there is a minimum of 2 players to start the game, one of whom is a Player Banker.

Ultimate Texas Hold’em is dealt from a 52-card deck with conventional values. Two cards will be dealt face down starting to the left of the dealer button and proceeding clockwise. Each player, including the designated player, will be dealt two cards. Five community cards will be dealt and each player and the designated player will make their best five card hand out of the seven cards.

  1. All action will proceed clockwise from the first active position left of the designated player. The players must post a minimum wager (Ante Bet) and the players must post a minimum wager equal to the Ante Bet (Blind Bet).
  2. The player may post an additional bonus odds wager (Trips Bet).
  3. Each player, including the designated player, will be dealt two cards.
  4. The players may inspect their hand and then choose from the following options:
    • Check the hand; or
    • Bet 3x the Ante Bet (Play Bet); or
    • Bet 4x the Ante bet (Play Bet).
  5. Three community cards will be dealt in the middle of the table (Flop).
  6. The players may inspect their two-card hand with the three Flop cards and then choose from the following options:
    • Check the hand; or
    • Bet 2x the Ante bet (Play Bet).
  7. The last two community cards will be dealt in the middle of the table (Turn/River).
  8. The players may inspect their two-card hand, the three Flop cards and two Turn/River cards then choose from the following options:
    • Fold. A player that folds their hand will lose the Ante Bet, the Blind Bet and the optional Trips Bet.
    • Bet 1x the Ante bet (Play Bet).

The designated player must qualify to play with a minimum hand of a pair or better. In the event the designated player does not hold a qualifying hand, the Ante Bet will receive no action and be pushed back to the Player. The Blind, Play and Trips wagers will be resolved as follows:

The Blind wager shall receive action and shall win and be paid by the dealer from the Designated Player in accordance with the established and disclosed rates disclosed at the table via signage or felt, if player’s hand is higher than that of the Designated Player and the player has a hand of a straight or better. It shall lose and be collected by the dealer and paid to the Designated Player if the Designated Player’s hand is higher than that of the player. If the player’s hand is higher than that of the Designated Player but the player’s hand is not a straight or higher, the Blind wager shall push. It shall also push if the Designated Player and the player have equal ranking hands.

The Play wager shall receive action and shall win and be paid 1 to 1 by the dealer from the Designated Player if the player’s hand ranks higher than the Designated Player’s hand. It shall lose and be collected by the dealer and paid to the Designated Player if the Designated Player’s hand ranks higher than the player’s hand. It shall push if the hands are of equal rank.

The Trips wager shall receive action and shall win and be paid by the dealer from the Designated Player in accordance with the established and disclosed rates disclosed at the table via signage or felt, if the player’s hand ranks higher than the Designated Player’s hand. It shall lose and be collected by the dealer and paid to the Designated Player if the Designated Player’s hand ranks higher than the player’s hand. It shall push if the hands are of equal rank.

  1. Each hand is then compared to the designated player’s hand (which rotates on a hand-by-hand basis unless there are no eligible designated players or the eligible designated players waive their turn), beginning with the button, to determine the winner. The winning hand is the higher hand based on the standard five card poker hand rankings.
  2. The minimum and maximum betting limits will be posted on each table.
  3. The designated player will pay the Ante Bet and Play Bet even money if the player’s hand outranks the designated player’s hand. All ties will result in a push for the Ante, Blind and Play Bets.
  4. After a Play Bet is made and the player’s hand wins over the designated player’s hand, the player is now eligible to be paid on the Trips Bet wager. If the player’s hand is one of the ranked hands on the Trips Bet Payout Table, the player will be paid the corresponding payout. The player is also eligible for a Trips Bet Payout if a Play Bet is made and the designated player does not qualify and the player’s hand ranks higher than the designated player’s hand. A chart listing all payout amounts will be posted at the table, similar to the following example.
Royal Flush200 to 1
Straight Flush50 to 1
Quads10 to 1
Full House3 to 1
Flush2 to 1
Straight1 to 1
All OtherPush
Royal Flush50 to 1
Straight Flush40 to 1
Quads30 to 1
Full House10 to 1
Flush8 to 1
Straight6 to 1
Trips3 to 1

The House may amend the payout amounts from time to time and such amounts will be posted at the table.

  1. In addition, the Blind Bet wager will be paid according to the posted payout amounts at the table. However, if the player has a higher hand then the designated player and has less than a straight, the Blind Bet wager shall push.
  2. A player’s hand – the group of cards dealt to a player within a particular game – will be considered dead, and the player’s wager will be returned and not considered for purposes of the house rake, if at any time the designated player does not have sufficient funds to cover a player’s wager. The players’ hands are only compared to the designated player’s hand, and not to any other hand.
  3. You are only allowed to play one hand (Look at the cards) all other must be played blind.

Charge to each player for participating in the game:

House Rake

The House may impose the House rake in the following fashion: (i) upon all players uniformly, (ii) upon all players uniformly and not upon the Designated Player, or (iii) upon the Designated Player only and not upon any other player; provided that the method and amounts for the House Rake are clearly disclosed at the table.